Persuasive Essay Practice

 Here is a source I used in my persuasive essay

Manfield, Evelyn. (2020, September). Psychologists struggle to meet demand amid coronavirus pandemic as waitlists blow out. ABC News.

This article explains how the demand for psychologists has increased during the pandemic. The writer also talks about the wait times and the solutions that could be implemented to reduce these wait times.

Furthermore, the article talks about how the healthcare workers are also seeking mental help. Finally, the article explains how crisis care is there for the people who need immediate attention and cannot wait.


  1. I got interested by the short definition you gave about the article so I took time to read it. I think it is regretful that some people can not get as many session as the might need and that even some psychologist are worried about their patients because of that. Otherwise, I would love to read the essay you wrote on the subject!


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