Fascinating TED Talks You Might Be Interested in

 Here are some TED Talks you might want to watch

1. "The psychology behind irrational decisions":

Garofolo, Sara. (2016, May). The psychology behind irrational decisions. TED. https://www.ted.com/talks/sara_garofalo_the_psychology_behind_irrational_decisions#t-1239

This TED Talk explains how people use different approaches to solve problems. Those approaches are called heuristics and are mostly based on previous experience or intuition. The educator, Sara Garofolo, explains how we should use analysis instead of these two factors. 

The educator actually has a PhD in psychometrics and data analysis. Furthermore, her main area of expertise is neuroscience, which explains why she has made multiple TED Talks on different brain subjects.

2. "The psychology of post-traumatic stress desorder":

Maletis, Joelle. (2018, June). The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder. https://www.ted.com/talks/joelle_rabow_maletis_the_psychology_of_post_traumatic_stress_disorder

The educator, Joelle Rabow Maletis, talks about the different symptoms you can suffer from after experiencing a traumatic experience. She talks about the science behind post-traumatic stress disorder. This TED Talk also shows what people can do to help with these post-traumatic experiences. 

According to my research, the educator is a psychotherapist, a clinical director and CEO. She has made multiple presentations in different types of TED conferences. 


  1. Your TED Talks are interesting and relevant to your field of study. I like your summaries, as they are concise and provide a comprehensive into the topics discussed in the articles.

    Here are a few elements to improve:
    - Capitalization/ way to write of TED Talk
    - Repetition of 'actually'
    - Add commas: Her main expertise is neuroscience which explains why she has made multiple TEDtalks on different brain subjects.

    Continue your excellent work!


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