
Affichage des articles du octobre, 2021

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The impact of Covid-19 on our mental health Gordon. J. (2021, April). One Year In: COVID-19 and Mental Health . National Institute of Mental Health. At first, the author talks about the multiple challenges we had to overcome at the beginning of the pandemic and how those challenges were harder than anticipated. Then, the specialist talks about how he already knew, because of research on prior pandemics, that people have a hard time dealing with their mental health in these extraordinary conditions. Actually, he mentions that mental problems such as depression, anxiety or insomnia tend to worsen during thse challenging times. Furthermore, the writer, Joshua Gordon, explains how Covid-19 seems to support the previous research made on the negative impacts of a pandemic on our mental health. Also, Joshua Gordon mentions different ways to prevent mental health problems such as taking care of th...

Persuasive Essay Practice

 Here is a source I used in my persuasive essay Manfield, Evelyn. (2020, September).  Psychologists struggle to meet demand amid coronavirus pandemic as waitlists blow out . ABC News. This article explains how the demand for psychologists has increased during the pandemic. The writer also talks about the wait times and the solutions that could be implemented to reduce these wait times. Furthermore, the article talks about how the healthcare workers are also seeking mental help. Finally, the article explains how crisis care is there for the people who need immediate attention and cannot wait.

Interesting Sources Used in My Oral Presentation

Here are some sources I used in my oral presentation First source:  Mayo Clinic. Lewy body dementia.  Mayo Clinic. In this article, the Mayo Clinic explains what is Lewy body dementia. The staff talks about the symptoms that people with Lewy body dementia may suffer from. Additionally, they present the different causes of this disease and what risk factors to look for. The article also presents the complications that can occur with this disease. I thought this article was interesting because Robin Williams actually suffered from this type of dementia. Second source:  Factual America Podcast. (2020, November). Robin's Wish: Who Robin Williams Really Was . Youtube. In this documentary, multiple people talk openly about the struggles in Robin's life and other aspects of his life. Furthermore, they discuss different topic...